How are you being helped by using the enneagram?

“I have gotten much more in touch with my body and my relationship to anger. I no longer view it as a negative emotion. Anger lives in the body and if it is not channeled and released it can turn into rage and rigidity. It is a felt sense and a reaction against what is. When properly channeled and released, it becomes a potent motivational force, propelling positive change, self-defense, or advocacy for others. As a Type Nine, I've learned to harness anger as a catalyst for action, using it to awaken and be more present in my life.” - Lee Milligan, Ritual Enneagram

"I have personally found that the Enneagram helps me be more present in my true self. For me that’s a gut space, an inner knowing, where my mind is quiet and I am free to DO what's next in front of me. The Enneagram helps me have more awareness about what is actually happening for me and I’m able to open my hands, even just a little bit to give the real stuff in my life to God in prayer." - Jeanne McKinley, Spiritual Director at Soul Formation

“The downside of my type is on my bed right next to my partner and my cat every morning; I just don’t feed that gremlin breakfast anymore.  I pinch myself out of the Four Trance regularly, thank the gods, and see the gifts that I can employ in the high sides of all the other types (not just the wings and connected types). I also love being a Four and find our perspectives on human connection and beauty so-needed in our world today.” - Dale Rhodes, Enneagram Portland & Enneagram Professionals Co-Founder

“The Enneagram has improved all of my relationships; but the primary ones are my relationship with my (8) husband (who also happens to be my business partner) and my relationship with myself. In my marriage, we are able to take less personally each others’ reactions and behaviors and respond with more compassion and understanding. With myself, I see how my insistence on “correctness” is sometimes misguided, unhelpful and/or a way to defend myself..this awareness has allowed me to be more forgiving and more vulnerable.” - Anna Eggerts, Urban Nest Realty

“The Enneagram has helped me not just to Show Up, but to see my motives behind my behavior and that is to avoid conflict at all costs. I can lose myself with others in order to keep my comfort and peace. I am learning to be brave, step into those spaces and share my point of view. The Enneagram has also helped so much in my marriage and as a parent with the grid it provides of what makes people operate the way they do.” - Alison Tarka, Enneagram Professionals Co-Founder


What happened when you realized the enneagram was a powerful tool?